Content Creator | Digital Marketer | Story-Teller

As a content writer, my goal is to help you position your business as an industry leader. My name is Alexa Creavey, and I am here to make **your** business dreams a reality. I craft compelling and engaging copy that will enhance your company's story, brand, and mission, so that you can achieve the best results from your overall marketing strategy. My experience as a content creator includes: * SEO content writing * Email marketing * Buyer persona development * Ad copy creation * Landing pages * Blogs * UX writing * Product research * Interviews * Strategy development * And more! Additionally, I've worked very closely with design, UX, development, and social media teams so that I can produce content that helps us all win together! _On a personal note: if you like to talk about reality tv, garden, or read until 2 AM, we might be destined to be work besties._ If you are interested in learning more about me, and the work I've done, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Featured Work

Landing pages, blogs, and more are featured on this site. If you want an example piece for something not featured here, I will gladly supply it for you.